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Treating APD

Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) can be treated! Leading APD experts advocate a three-part approach that includes Management Strategies, Environmental Modifications and Listening Therapy. This trio of interventions creates a foundation for support and assistance that can serve to make significant improvements in the day-to-day performance of those affected by APD.

Management Strategies

Finding ways to compensate for the problems that often accompany APD is an important part of treating APD. These accommodations help to create an environment in which it is easier to listen and learn.  Managing variables such as attention, time, teaching style, organization, self-advocacy skills, providing previews, and notetaking assistance all help the student with APD to maximize their potential for academic success.

Environmental Modifications

People with APD can be helped by modifying the listening environment to reduce background noise and reverberation. The level of the target message (speaker) should be louder than the noise in the room. This is called the signal to noise ratio (SNR). This can be accomplished in several ways:

-eliminate competing noise where possible
-decrease the distance between the speaker and listener
-reduce or eliminate echoes and reverberations in the room by using carpets, curtains and wall hangings to dampen the noise.

-use of a soundfield or personal remote mic system.

More about Remote Mic Hearing Assistance Technology

Commonly known as an FM system, remote mic hearing assistance technology (RM-HAT)  helps to significantly improve the signal to noise ratio.  

The speaker wears a microphone/transmitter which sends the sound directly to the receiver placed at or near the listener's ear.  RM-HAT can use frequency modulation or digital modulation to send the signal to the receiver. The receiver can be a speaker placed in the classroom or a personal device worn in the listener's ear. This gives the listener a significant advantage in classrooms and other noisy environments. Although both methods improve the listening environment, the greatest advantage is gained with  personally-worn RM-HAT.

Auditory Training

Auditory Training is  a process of training the brain by exposing the patient to repetitive, increasingly challenging sound stimuli in exercise or game formats. Auditory Training takes advantage of the brain's ability to change  how it processes and perceives incoming stimuli over time. This is called neuroplasticity.

At AudioLogic, we offer a variety of  Auditory Training Programs that can be matched to the delays/deficits that were revealed during the auditory processing assessment. Our therapy recommendations are function-driven. We support your efforts by monitoring progress, offering suggestions and trouble-shooting should problems arise. Post-training assessments are included as they are crucial to tracking progress and offering appropriate next steps based on the outcome.

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AudioLogic...making sense of what you hear!

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