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Frequently Asked Questions-Auditory Processing Screening

What is an Auditory Processing Screening? 

At AudioLogic, the Auditory Processing Screening appointment is designed to become acquainted with the patient and identify whether the person is at risk for or suspected to have auditory processing or listening difficulties. Other functions such as memory, and attention are also screened in order to determine whether there are co-existing factors that may affect performance. Test results are indicated by either a PASS or REFER. REFER results suggest that the person is demonstrating performance that is below that of same-aged peers. If appropriate, the audiologist will recommend a comprehensive Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) Assessment. 

Who conducts the screening?

The audiologist is the professional who conducts the screening. Only an audiologist can diagnose a central auditory processing disorder  based on a formal, more extensive evaluation. Audiologists hold either a master’s or doctoral degree, and have been trained to assess hearing, balance, and other related disorders. An audiologist is to the ears what an optometrist is to the eyes.

How old does my child need to be to have an AP screening?

At AudioLogic, an auditory processing screening can be completed on a child as young as 4 years of age who does not have significant cognitive or developmental delays. The testing requires that the child respond verbally, therefore the child’s speech must be intelligible to an unfamiliar listener. The child must also be able to remember and repeat strings of numbers and simple sentences. Although a formal diagnosis usually does not occur until a child is  7 years of age, a diagnostic APD assessment may be recommended for early identification of areas of weakness.  Children who have not learned English by age 5 are not eligible for the assessment. 


If your child is receiving medication used to improve attention, they must take the medication on the day of the screening.

How do I make an appointment?

We accept direct referrals from physicians, nurse practitioners, teachers, speech-language pathologists, psychologists or occupational therapists. Adults and parents/guardians of children may also self-refer for a hearing assessment based on their own concerns or the suggestion of a healthcare professional. 

You may request an appointment by clicking below or by calling 226-344-1113. You will be given an appointment and we will provide intake forms to complete including a case history questionnaire, consent forms  and a classroom performance questionnaire. The forms must be  completed and returned before the  screening appointment for  review by the audiologist.


Why do I need to submit my child's psychological and other previous assessment results?

Many factors may have an impact on a child’s candidacy and ability to participate in an APD assessment, including attention, executive function, cognition, memory and language skills. This information is required to ensure your child receives appropriate testing and an accurate diagnosis.

How long does the screening take?

We allow 1 hour for the screening appointment. This includes a behavioral hearing test, an auditory processing screening and time for the audiologist to verbally review the test results and recommendations with the parents or guardian. A brief report will be sent shortly after the screening. 

How can I pay for the screening?

The screening may be paid by cash, debit and credit cards. Unfortunately, OHIP does not cover this testing, but please contact your insurance company to find out if your benefits will allow reimbursement of our fees.  

Call us at 226-344-1113 or click below to request an appointment

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AudioLogic...making sense of what you hear!

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